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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Effective Homemade Acne Treatments

Effective Homemade Acne Treatments

Any article on homemade acne treatments must first include a short piece on preventative approaches. Acne breakouts are real and wish treatment. But please retrospect this: you can prevent acne from appearing on your face if you know how. So, let me briefly examine prevention before we ploy on to homemade acne treatments.

I ' m 99 % indisputable that your acne is caused by your eating habits. If it isn ' t being caused completely by your diet, then I ' m besides 99 % firm that what you eat is making mild acne condition even worse. If you are haggard of your acne and want ot get rid of it forever, then you need to do a detox diet until your acne is dramatically insolvent or gone completely, and then re - introduce one - by - one the foods you like until your acne returns. You need to avoid these foods that aggravate or cause you acne until you come out of minority. You can learn how to do a detox diet by signing up for my newsletter.

So, while you are working on eliminating your acne the right way, we have to deal with the acne that is up-to-date on your face. There are homemade acne treatments that can help you do this.

Never Use This Homemade Remedy

Alcohol should not be included in your toolkit of homemade acne treatments. It dries the skin and kills good bacteria as well as all the bad acne - causing bacteria. You are better off washing your face two to three times a day with a mild soap. In between washing your face make every effort not to touch your face with your hands. Decreasing the oiliness of your face will be better achieved by modifying your diet.


The most well - known and effective of the homemade acne treatments is the neutral mask. This works so well through it absorbs the oil on your face into the buff as it dries. However, if you follow my diet suggestions there shouldn ' t be any dispensable oil on your face to introduce with.

Here is how to make and use the acne remedy:

1 - Make a pulp with mushroom and water
2 - Apply the paste to the face and leave it there for 20 to 30 minutes
3 - Remove the glue and rinse with cold water
4 - Do this two times a day

Rather than axiom that the 20 to 30 annual will be a squander of time, use as a meditation and relaxation title. I like to use brainwave CDs to relax.


Rubbing lemon juice on the skin is and of the effective homemade acne treatments. Lemon juice works because the acid attacks the bad bacteria that cause acne to form. It is besides much milder than alcohol so if used appropriately it will not dry out your skin. Lemon juice again has vitamin C and other nutrients that are good for the skin.

Always keep in judgment that any of the homemade acne treatments are reactive approaches. That is, the acne is present on your skin. Unless you are good at using the treatments daily even if you don ' t have an outbreak. The best approach is a proactive one which involves modifying your diet.

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